MDVR Diagnostics Tool
From the Tools > Fleet Vehicle Status screen, right click an online MDVR and select MDVR Diagnostics. This utility will check to insure the MDVR is communicating with the system and recording. The last 15 minute recording segment is reported. Administrators can change user permissions to access this tool.
MDVR Diagnostics Report
New report that will show which user's run the MDVR Diagnostics Tool and the results of each test.
Fleet Vehicle Status Export
A button to export the Fleet Vehicle Status data has been added. This will allow you to save a CSV file to your desktop.
No Recent Video Report
We added Last Known MDVR recording and current firmware version to the No Recent Video Download report.
Questionable DVR Report
We have added a new Suspected Not Recording section to the Questionable DVR Report. Any MDVR's that are still communicating with the system, but are suspected to not be recording will display here. The last most recent recording date and time will be displayed on the report.